La SCA offre plusieurs nouvelles occasions emballantes d’implication personnelle, de développement professionnel et de participation.

En assumant un rôle et en vous impliquant avec la Société et vos collègues, vous joignez une équipe d’anesthésiologistes enthousiastes dédiés à l’avancement de la profession de l’anesthésie. Un rôle avec la SCA vous permet de partager vos expériences uniques avec les autres, d’acquérir de nouvelles compétences, de promouvoir de nouvelles idées innovatrices et de développer des réseaux professionnels et personnels clés. Votre contribution continue est essentielle aux réalisations de la SCA et au développement et au renforcement des anesthésiologistes au pays et sur le plan international.

Veuillez faire parvenir votre notification d’intérêt avec votre CV à, en soulignant le rôle pour lequel vous faites votre demande. 

Dernière mise à jour : janvier 2024


Abstracts Subcommittee
Positions Available – 2-5

Roles – Reviewers. We require members with expertise in subspecialities related to CAS’ various sections (i.e. obstetrics, neuroanesthesia etc.)

The CAS Abstracts Subcommittee ensures the fair and timely review of all abstract submissions for the Annual Meeting. They are a subcommittee of the Annual Meeting Scientific Program Committee. They are responsible for reviewing and scoring all abstract and case reports/series that are submitted via the online submission platform, as well as annually reviewing the abstracts eligibility guidelines. 

The time commitment would require attending 2-3 virtual committee meetings throughout the year and the completion of reviews in late January/early February 2024.

Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society Continuing Professional Development Modules Planning Subcommittee

Positions Available - 3

Roles – Committee Members

The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Modules Program has been co-developed by the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society (CAS) and the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia (CJA) to deliver consistent and topical education modules via online modules to the CAS membership and CJA readers.

With oversight from the CPD Modules Planning Subcommittee Chair and CJA CPD Editor, members of the CPD Module Planning Subcommittee will meet throughout the year to review CAS needs assessment results relevant to the CPD Modules Program, plan for the development of upcoming CPD Modules, review CPD modules from an educational point of view (congruence between the learning objectives, the content, the module structure and the assessment), and participate in the evaluation of CPD Module participant feedback.

This is a volunteer role.

Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee

Positions Available - 3

Roles - Member Representation from Manitoba/Saskatchewan (2 roles), Vice Chair (1)

This committee provides expert advice and guidance on the standards of anesthesia practice and related matters to the CAS Board and society members.

COACT (Committee on Anesthesia Care Team)

Positions Available - 1

Roles - Resident Representative

COACT is responsible for advising the CAS Board of Directors on matters pertaining to anesthesia regarding developments within the allied health fields and particularly with regard to Anesthesia Assistants.

Continuing Education and Professional Development (CEPD)

Positions Available - 1

Roles - Resident Representative

The CEPD Committee is responsible for advising the Board on all matters regarding Maintenance of Certification and continuing professional development of members in anesthesia and related fields.

Critical Care Section

Positions Available - 3

Roles - Vice Chair, Secretary, Member-at-large

The Critical Care Section is one of the newest CAS specialty sections, having been ratified in 2012 at the Annual Meeting in Quebec City. The initial goal of the section was to provide and improve care for the critically ill that anesthesiologists represent across Canada. However, the section has evolved to provide additional training and educational resources for those interested in the area but without formal ties to critical care.

Ethics Committee

Positions Available - 2

Roles - Committee Chair, Committee Vice-Chair

The Ethics Committee is responsible for advising the CAS Board of Directors on matters pertaining to the protection of human rights and values in light of ethical, scientific and technological progress in anesthesia, medicine and society in general.

Finance Committee

Positions Available - 1

Roles - Member-at-large

The CAS Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing budgets, including financial statements, for past and upcoming years.

Physician Wellness Committee

Positions Available - 2

Roles - Committee Chair, Committee Vice-Chair

The Anesthesiology Physician Wellness Committee is dedicated to supporting practices that encourage anesthesia physician wellbeing and health, while also addressing the increasing rates of burnout in our specialty.