Dr Hui Yu Zhang

Anesthésie ambulatoire

Dre Hui Yu Zhang

Université du Manitoba

Predicting quality of early postoperative recovery following interscalene block for outpatient arthroscopic shoulder surgery: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Dr Harsha Shanthanna

Douleur chronique

Dr Harsha Shanthanna

Université Mcmaster

Chronic Postsurgical Pain After Ambulatory Surgeries, a Prospective Cohort Study
Kevin Jun Won Lee


Kevin Jun Won Lee

Université de la Saskatchewan

Effect of hypotension on adverse outcome(s) in patients with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: systematic review and meta-analysis
Dr Juliana Barrera

Anesthésie obstétricale (anesthésiologiste)

Dre Juliana Barrera

BC Women's Hospital


Anesthesia Practice During Elective Cesarean Delivery Under Spinal Anesthesia: A Prospective Observational Study
Noaah Reaume

Anesthésie obstétricale (étudiante en médecine)

Noaah Reaume

Royal University Hospital

The incidence of spinal anesthesia failures during elective Caesarean sections: A comparison of two different suppliers

Anesthésie régionale et douleur aiguë

Dre Isabelle Birchall

Université d'Ottawa

Facilitators and barriers to performing ultrasound guided regional anesthesia by non-regional expert anesthesiologists: A qualitative study using the Theoretical Domains Framework
Carrie Gu

Médecine des soins critiques

Carrie Gu

Université du Manitoba

Trends in tracheostomy utilization among critically-ill adult patients receiving anticipated prolonged invasive mechanical ventilation: A retrospective cohort study in a Canadian provincial regional catchment area from 2013 to 2019
Dr Karina Spoyalo

Prix Ian White pour la sécurité des patients

Dre Karina Spoyalo

Université de la Colombie-Britannique

Developing an environmentally sustainable quality improvement initiative: An optimized patient warming strategy
Dr Zach Androschuk

Meilleur article en éducation et simulation en anesthésie

Dr Zach Androschuk

University of Western Ontario

Evaluation of a Formal Resilience Curriculum for Novice Physicians-in-Training on Self-Reported Resilience: A Randomized Controlled Trial 
Dr Margarita Otalora Esteban

Prix Raymond Martineau – CVT

Dre Margarita Otalora Esteban

Université de Toronto 

Autologous Cell Salvage: An In-vivo Comparison of Autotransfusion Devices in Cardiac Surgery
Dr Zaid Alhasani

Anesthésie pédiatrique

Dr Zaid Alhasani

University of Western Ontario

Enhancing Caregiver Recall in Pediatric Anesthesia Consent: A Randomized Trial Comparing Standard Verbal Methods to Visual Aid-Assisted Consent
Yonathan Agung

Médecine périopératoire

Yonathan Agung

Université d'Ottawa

Frailty and decisional regret after elective non-cardiac surgery: A multicenter prospective cohort study
Yonathan Agung

Concours de recherche Richard-Knill

Yonathan Agung

Université d'Ottawa

Frailty and decisional regret after elective noncardiac surgery: a multicentre prospective cohort study​
Dr Harsha Shanthanna

Concours de recherche Richard-Knill, mention honorable

Dr Harsha Shanthanna

Université Mcmaster

Chronic postsurgical pain after ambulatory surgeries, a prospective cohort study
Dr Fang Zhou (Mike) Ge

Concours oral des résidents

Dr Fang Zhou (Mike) Ge

Université de Toronto 

Perioperative benzodiazepine administration and patient-reported recovery outcomes