Constitution & Bylaws
Association of Canadian University Departments of Anesthesiology (ACUDA)
2.1 To affiliate in a single organization representatives of all Canadian University Departments of Anesthesiology.
2.2 To develop and promote undergraduate education, postgraduate education, and continuing professional development by Canadian University Departments of Anesthesiology.
2.3 To assist the Canadian anesthesia community in the definition of the training and job description of allied health care personnel as it relates to Anesthesiology.
2.4 To promote the development of research and scientific progress in Anesthesiology.
2.5 To represent academic Departments of Anesthesiology and promote their interests within professional or learned societies, advisory boards, councils to government, and public service organizations.
2.6 To promote exemplary patient care and advise responsible bodies on matters concerning the standards of anesthetic practice.
2.7 To support the interest of the profession.
2.8 2.8. To form a liaison and to encourage membership and active participation of ACUDA faculty with the Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society.
3.1 Appointment as member of a Canadian University Department of Anesthesiology shall constitute membership in the Association.
3.2 3.2. University Department representation: Each Canadian University Department of Anesthesiology will appoint five of its members to standing committees of the Association. These will include:
3.2.1 The Chair or Head of the University Department
3.2.2 The University Department Program Directors
3.2.3 The University representative to the Research Committee
3.2.4 The University representative to the Undergraduate Committee
3.2.5 The University representative of the Continuing Education and Professional Development (CEPD) Committee
3.3 The President of the Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society
3.4 Other members by invitation:
3.4.1 The Chair of the Continuing Education and Professional Development Committee of the Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society;
3.4.2 The Chair of the Research Committee of the Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society;
3.4.3 The Chair of the Anesthesiology Specialty Committee of the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada;
3.4.4 The Co-Chairs of the Examining Boards in Anesthesiology;
3.4.5 The Chair of the Test Committee;
3.4.6 The Editor of the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia.
4.1 The Executive Committee of the Association, by election:
4.1.1 President;
4.1.2 Chair of the Management Committee;
4.1.3 Secretary-Treasurer;
4.1.4 Immediate Past President
5.1 The Nominating Committee will be chaired by the Immediate Past President and will consist of the Executive of the Association.
5.2 A majority vote of the Nominating Committee is required to elect a candidate as a nominee.
5.3 The proposed Slate of Officers will be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association followed by nominations from the floor.
5.4 Nominees receiving more than one half of the votes cast will be the elected officers of the Association.
5.5 The position of President will be subject to nomination and election every other year, to a maximum of four consecutive years.
NOTE: Unless there is due cause, the order of the Executive process will move from Secretary-Treasurer of the Management Committee to Chair of the Management Committee to President to Immediate Past President.
5.6. The Secretary-Treasurer should hold an appointment as Chair or Head in a Canadian University/Department of Anesthesiology, therefore be a Management Committee member, and this position will be subject to bi-annual nomination and election. The Secretary-Treasurer may retain this position up to a maximum of four consecutive years.
5.7. The Chair of the Management Committee should hold an appointment as Chair or Head in a Canadian University Department of Anesthesiology. This position is subject to bi-annual election. The Chair may retain this position up to a maximum of four consecutive years.
5.8. The Chair of the Postgraduate Education Committee should hold an appointment as Postgraduate Program Director in a Canadian University Department of Anesthesiology. The Chair will be subject to annual election. The Chair may retain this position up to a maximum of three consecutive years.
5.9. The Chair of the Research Committee will have held the position of Secretary to this Committee during the previous year and be subject to annual election. The Chair may retain this position up to a maximum of three consecutive years.
5.10. The Chair of the Undergraduate Committee will have been a member of this committee during the previous year and be subject to annual election. The Chair may retain this position up to a maximum of three consecutive years.
5.11. The Chair of the CEPD Committee will have held the position of Secretary to this Committee during the previous year and be subject to annual election. The Chair may retain this position up to a maximum of three consecutive years.
6.1 The Executive:
6.1.1 To act for the Association of Canadian University Departments of Anesthesiology between annual meetings;
6.1.2 To implement the policies of the Association as developed by the membership at the annual meeting;
6.1.3 6.1.3. To set annual Association fees.
6.2 The President:
6.2.1 To call the meetings of the Association at the appointed times;
6.2.2 To preside over all plenary session meetings;
6.2.3 To announce the business before the Association in its proper order;
6.2.4 To state and put all questions properly before the Association;
6.2.5 To preserve order;
6.2.6 To decide all questions of order;
6.2.7 To carry out additional duties as requested by the Executive;
6.2.8 To represent ACUDA on the CAS Board and as requested by other organizations.
6.3. Chair of the Management Committee
6.3.1. To assist the President in his/her executive duties;
6.3.2. To preside at meetings where the President is unable to attend;
6.3.3. To preside over the ACUDA Winter Meeting (Section 7.2)
6.3.4. To carry out special duties as determined by the President and Executive.
6.3.5. To be responsible for carrying out the duties of this Committee;
6.3.6. To arrange minutes to be kept and distributed relating to all meetings of this Committee;
6.3.7. To, when deemed necessary, invite guests to this Committee;
6.3.8. To report to the Executive and the Association at the General Meeting, as per Article 7.1.
6.4 The Secretary-Treasurer:
6.4.1. To keep a record of the meetings and procedures of the Association;
6.4.2. To prepare and distribute agenda to the members of the Association;
6.4.3. To distribute minutes and other pertinent information to the members of the Association;
6.4.4. To retain the constitution and copies of all correspondence belonging to the Association;
6.4.5. To maintain all monies of the Association and disperse funds as required;
6.4.6. To maintain ledgers of receipts and expenses of the Association;
6.4.7. To formulate and present a financial report of the Association at the Annual Meeting.
6.4.8. To ensure all committee agendas, minutes, correspondence, and other appropriate documents are archived officially (currently at the CAS office).
7.1. General Meeting
The President will call the Annual Meeting of the Association, in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society.
7.2. Winter Meeting
The Management Committee, the President of the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society, the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, Chairs of the Education, Research, Undergraduate, and CEPD Committees, the Chair of the Royal College Specialty Committee, and any invited guests as befitting the prevailing issues of the day will meet once during the winter months.
7.3. Education, Research, Undergraduate, CEPD and Management Committees Meetings
These Standing Committees will meet at least once a year. These annual meetings will coincide with the General Meetings, as per Article 7.1. Special meetings may be called by the Chairs of these Committees when deemed necessary.
8.1. With respect to the General Meeting, a quorum will consist of a majority of eligible voting members.
8.2. With respect to Standing Committees, a quorum will consist of one-third of the members of that Standing Committee.
9.1. The annual fee for membership in the Association shall be determined by the Executive and submitted for approval by majority vote at the Annual Meeting.
9.2. The annual fee shall apply to the ensuing calendar year and shall be due January 1st of each year.
10.1. Management Committee
10.1.1. Officers and Voting Members: President of ACUDA The Chair, by election as per Article 5.7; The Secretary-Treasurer, by election of the Management Committee; President of the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society; The Chair or Head of each Canadian University Department of Anesthesiology.
10.1.2. Invited Members (Non-voting): The Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Journal of Anesthesia The Chair of the Anesthesia Specialty Committee, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons
10.1.3. Responsibilities of the Management Committee: To exchange information regarding departmental, administrative, economic, human resources, and planning policies; To gather and distribute information regarding the relationship between departments, their universities and other governing agencies; To act as a resource for and to coordinate the Committees on matters related to education and research; To make recommendations to the Executive and the Association on matters pertaining to departmental administration: to apply the minimal standards of the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society, to deal with administration of allied health personnel, to deal with regional political problems.
10.2. Postgraduate Education Committee
10.2.1. Officers and Voting Members: The Chair, by election, as per article 5.8; The Secretary, by annual election of the Education Committee. The secretary may retain this position up to a maximum of three consecutive years; The Program Director of each University Department of Anesthesiology;
10.2.2. Invited Members (Non-voting): The Co-Chairs of the Royal College Examination Committee, by invitation; The Anesthesia Written Test Committee Chair, by invitation; Sub-committees from within or without the membership, as deemed advantageous; Resident representatives, when deemed advantageous; Advisors, consultants, or other guests, as deemed necessary.
10.2.3. The Chair of the Postgraduate Education Committee To be responsible for the carrying out of the duties of this Committee; To arrange minutes to be kept and distributed relating to all meetings of this Committee; To represent the Committee at the ACUDA Winter Meeting; To arrange agendas, minutes, correspondence, and all relevant documents to be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer for archival; To make recommendations to the Executive of the Association on behalf of the Education Committee when deemed necessary; To invite guests to this Committee when deemed necessary; To report to the Executive and the Association at the General Meeting, as per Article 7.1.
10.2.4. Responsibilities of the Postgraduate Education Committee: To exchange information among the Residency Program Directors on all aspects of postgraduate education in anesthesiology, including but not limited to selection of candidates, curriculum evaluation and examination; To consider matters of postgraduate education referred to it by the Association; To prepare and update a core curriculum of studies for postgraduate training in Anesthesiology as it relates to the requirements of the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada; To evaluate and make recommendations to the Royal College through its Executive on matters pertaining to postgraduate education and examinations.
10.3. Research Committee
10.3.1. Officers and Voting Members The Chair by election as per Article 5.9; The Secretary by election of the Research Committee; One representative from each University Department of Anesthesiology.
10.3.2. Invited Member (Non-voting): The Chair of Research Committee, Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society (standing invitation)
10.3.3. Chair of the Research Committee To be responsible for carrying out the duties of this Committee; To arrange minutes to be kept and distributed relating to all meetings of this Committee; To represent the Committee at the ACUDA Winter Meeting; To arrange agendas, minutes, correspondence, and all relevant documents to be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer for archival; To make recommendations to the Executive of the Association on behalf of the Research Committee when deemed necessary; To invite guests to this Committee when deemed necessary; To report to the Executive and the Association at the General Meeting, as per Article 7.1.
10.3.4. Responsibility of Research Committee: To exchange information on research activity, fellowship availability, and research services available in the University Departments of Anesthesia; To collaborate with the ACUDA Education Committee in the support and promotion of resident research; To encourage research within University Departments of Anesthesiology, including the development of appropriate research fellowship positions within University Departments of Anesthesia; To interact as necessary with other groups with a similar function (i.e. Research Committee of the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society) to ensure optimal promotion of research activities.
10.4. Undergraduate Committee
10.4.1. Officers and Voting Members: The Chair, by election as per article 5.10 The Secretary by election of the Undergraduate Committee; The Representative of each University Department of Anesthesia.
10.4.2. Chair of the Undergraduate Committee To be responsible for carrying out the duties of this Committee; To arrange minutes to be kept and distributed relating to all meetings of this Committee; To represent the Committee at the ACUDA Winter Meeting; To arrange agendas, minutes, correspondence, and all relevant documents to be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer for archival; To make recommendations to the Executive of the Association on behalf of the Research Committee when deemed necessary; To invite guests to this Committee when deemed necessary; To report to the Executive and the Association at the General Meeting, as per Article 7.1.
10.4.3. Responsibilities of the Undergraduate Committee The Undergraduate Education Section’s main purpose is to collaborate with and be advocates for the academic departments of Anesthesiology with regards to undergraduate education including but not limited to content, timing and resources at each university; Subcommittees will be formed only as needed and for example, the first subcommittee is the one involved with the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society student prize.
10.5. CEPD Committee
10.5.1. Officers and Voting Members: The Chair, by election, as per article 5.11; The Secretary, by election of the Education Committee; The Chair of the CEPD Committee of each University Department of Anesthesiology;
10.5.2. Invited Members (Non-voting): The Chair of the CEPD Committee of the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society; The Chair of the Committee of Scientific Affairs of the Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society; Advisors, consultants, or other guests, as deemed advantageous.
10.5.3. The Chair of the Committee To be responsible for the carrying out of the duties of this Committee; To arrange minutes to be kept and distributed relating to all meetings of this Committee; To represent the Committee at the ACUDA Winter Meeting; To arrange agendas, minutes, correspondence, and all relevant documents to be forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer for archival; To make recommendations to the Executive of the Association on behalf of the CEPD Committee when deemed necessary; To report to the Executive and the Association at the General Meeting, as per Article 7.1.
10.5.4. Responsibilities of the CEPD Committee: To exchange information among the CEPD Committee Chairs on all aspects of continuing education and professional development in anesthesiology; To consider matters of education referred to it by the Association; To develop a format to provide information to practicing anesthesiologists re needs for and availability of continuing education and professional development programs.
11.1. Notice, in writing, of the amendment(s) proposed, must be submitted to the membership at least 3 months prior to the Annual General Meeting.
11.2. To amend the Constitution previously adopted requires a two-thirds vote of the members present at a plenary session of the Annual Meeting.
June 26, 2009