HOSPITAL Chiefs of Anesthesia

The foundation of the Hospital Chiefs of Anesthesia Section began in 2018, led by Dr Susan O’Leary, Dr Colin McCartney, and Dr Pascal Labrecque. After an introductory meeting at the Annual Meeting in Montreal, the Section agreed to provide a forum for chiefs to create and build a vision and mission for leadership of clinical departments and anesthesia services in Canada. Section membership consists of chiefs and local chiefs of anesthesia in Canadian hospitals. This includes both board-certified anesthesiologists and family practice anesthetists who assume the role of a chief. 

Section Executive

Dr Sylvie Aucoin, Chair
Dr Mateen Raazi, Vice Chair
Dr Robert Doyle, Secretary/Treasurer

Social Media


section documents

Terms of Reference (PDF)
Meeting Minutes - June 22, 2019 (PDF)
Sample Chief Role Description (PDF)